New topologies from old via ideals

A fascinating topic!

In mathematics, ideals are a fundamental concept in abstract algebra, particularly in ring theory. An ideal is a subset of a ring that is closed under addition and multiplication by elements of the ring, and also contains the product of any element of the ideal and any element of the ring.

Now, let's explore how ideals can be used to create new topologies from old ones.

Ideal-based constructions

Given a topological space X and an ideal I in the ring of continuous functions C(X), we can construct a new topological space X/I as follows:

  1. Define a relation on X by saying that two points x, y are equivalent if and only if there exists a function f in I such that f(x) = f(y).
  2. The equivalence classes of this relation are called the "cosets" of I, denoted by [x]_I.
  3. The set of all cosets [x]_I, denoted by X/I, becomes a topological space by defining the topology as the quotient topology, where the open sets are the sets of the form [U]_I = { [x]_I | x ∈ U }, where U is an open set in X.

Properties of X/I

The space X/I inherits some properties from X:


  1. Sierpinski space: Let X be the real line ℝ, and I be the ideal of all continuous functions that vanish at infinity. Then X/I is the Sierpinski space, which is a compact, Hausdorff space with two points.
  2. Tychonoff plank: Let X be the unit interval [0, 1], and I be the ideal of all continuous functions that are constant on some non-empty open set. Then X/I is the Tychonoff plank, which is a compact, Hausdorff space with two points.


Ideal-based constructions have applications in various areas of mathematics and computer science, such as:

In conclusion, ideals are a powerful tool for creating new topologies from old ones, and their applications are diverse and fascinating.