New toefl speaking questions

Here are some new TOEFL speaking questions, along with some tips to help you prepare:

Speaking Question 1:

Some people prefer to spend their free time outdoors, while others prefer to stay indoors. Which do you prefer and why?


Speaking Question 2:

What do you think is the most important quality for a leader to have? Why?


Speaking Question 3:

Imagine you are planning a trip to a country where you have never been before. What would you like to do and see during your trip?


Speaking Question 4:

Some people believe that technology has made our lives easier, while others think it has made them more complicated. Which do you agree with and why?


Speaking Question 5:

What do you think is the most significant challenge facing your community or society today? Why?


Additional Tips:

Remember, the key to success in the TOEFL speaking test is to be prepared and to practice, practice, practice!