New times

You're referring to the "New Times"!

The New Times is a popular phrase that has been used in various contexts, including:

  1. The New York Times: One of the most widely read and respected newspapers in the world, known for its in-depth reporting and investigative journalism.
  2. The New Times (magazine): A magazine that was published from 1966 to 2009, known for its coverage of politics, culture, and social issues.
  3. New Times (philosophy): A philosophical concept that refers to the idea that the present moment is all that truly exists, and that the past and future are merely constructs of the human mind.
  4. New Times (music): A phrase used to describe a new era or style of music, such as the "New Times" of jazz or the "New Times" of rock music.

Which of these meanings are you referring to, or is there something else on your mind?