New tiktok funny attitude videos of jannat zubair mr faisuriyaz aly arishfa khan beauty khan

It seems like you're interested in some popular TikTok creators and their funny attitude videos!

Here are some recent funny attitude videos from the creators you mentioned:

Jannat Zubair

  1. "When you're trying to be cute but you're actually being extra" - TikTok link
  2. "When you're feeling sassy but you're actually just tired" - TikTok link

Mr. Faisu

  1. "When you're trying to be cool but you're actually just a goofball" - TikTok link
  2. "When you're feeling confident but you're actually just winging it" - TikTok link

Aly Faisal

  1. "When you're trying to be serious but you're actually just a kid at heart" - TikTok link
  2. "When you're feeling like a boss but you're actually just a mess" - TikTok link

Arishfa Khan

  1. "When you're trying to be sweet but you're actually just a little bit sassy" - TikTok link
  2. "When you're feeling like a princess but you're actually just a goofball" - TikTok link

Beauty Khan

  1. "When you're trying to be elegant but you're actually just a little bit clumsy" - TikTok link
  2. "When you're feeling like a diva but you're actually just a little bit silly" - TikTok link

Please note that these links might not work as TikTok videos are often removed or made private after a certain period. You can try searching for the creators' names and hashtags to find more recent content!