New testament images

Here are some iconic and powerful images from the New Testament:

  1. The Nativity: The birth of Jesus Christ, depicted with Mary, Joseph, and the baby Jesus in a manger, surrounded by angels and shepherds.
  2. The Crucifixion: Jesus on the cross, with his mother Mary and the apostle John nearby, symbolizing his sacrifice for humanity's sins.
  3. The Resurrection: Jesus rising from the dead, often depicted with a radiant light and a triumphant pose, signifying his victory over death and sin.
  4. The Ascension: Jesus ascending into heaven, often depicted with a cloud or a whirlwind, symbolizing his return to God and his exaltation as Lord.
  5. The Pentecost: The Holy Spirit descending upon the apostles, depicted as tongues of fire or a dove, symbolizing the gift of tongues and the spread of Christianity.
  6. The Last Supper: Jesus sharing a meal with his disciples, including the institution of the Eucharist (Communion) and the prediction of his betrayal.
  7. The Road to Emmaus: Jesus walking with two disciples on the road to Emmaus, discussing the scriptures and his resurrection, often depicted with a warm and intimate atmosphere.
  8. The Woman at the Well: Jesus meeting the Samaritan woman at the well, often depicted with a sense of encounter and conversion, symbolizing the spread of Christianity to the Gentiles.
  9. The Good Samaritan: The parable of the Good Samaritan, depicting a traveler being helped by a stranger, often used to illustrate Jesus' teachings on love and compassion.
  10. The Great Commission: Jesus commissioning his disciples to spread the gospel, often depicted with a sense of urgency and mission, symbolizing the spread of Christianity throughout the world.
  11. The Transfiguration: Jesus transfigured on the mountain, often depicted with a radiant light and a sense of awe, symbolizing his divine nature and the revelation of his glory.
  12. The Feeding of the 5,000: Jesus feeding the multitude with five loaves of bread and two fish, often depicted with a sense of abundance and provision, symbolizing God's provision and care for his people.
  13. The Healing of the Blind Man: Jesus healing the blind man, often depicted with a sense of restoration and sight, symbolizing the spiritual healing and enlightenment that comes through faith in Jesus.
  14. The Raising of Lazarus: Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead, often depicted with a sense of drama and miracle, symbolizing Jesus' power over death and his promise of eternal life.
  15. The Second Coming: Jesus returning to earth, often depicted with a sense of judgment and triumph, symbolizing the end of the world and the final judgment.

These images are just a few examples of the many powerful and iconic scenes from the New Testament. They have been depicted in art, literature, and popular culture for centuries, and continue to inspire and influence people around the world.