New testament game

A New Testament game! Here are a few ideas:

1. "Bible Bingo": Create bingo cards with New Testament stories, characters, or themes. Read a passage or ask a question, and players mark the corresponding square. The first to get five in a row wins!

2. "New Testament Trivia": Test your knowledge of the New Testament with a trivia game. You can create questions on various topics, such as:

3. "Character Match": Create a set of cards with New Testament characters (e.g., Jesus, Peter, Paul, Mary, etc.). Shuffle the cards and lay them out face down. Players take turns flipping two cards to see if they match. If they don't match, the cards are turned back over.

4. "Scripture Scavenger Hunt": Hide copies of New Testament passages around the room or outside (depending on the weather). Give each player a list of the passages and a Bible. They must find each passage and read it aloud to their teammates.

5. "New Testament Story Chain": Have each player start telling a New Testament story, but only tell a small part of it. Then, the next player continues the story, adding their own details. This continues around the circle until everyone has contributed to the story.

6. "Bible Charades": Divide the group into two teams. Write New Testament stories, characters, or themes on slips of paper, and have each player act them out for their teammates to guess.

7. "New Testament Word Search": Create a word search puzzle with New Testament-related words (e.g., Jesus, love, salvation, etc.). The first player to find all the words wins!

8. "New Testament Memory Game": Place a set of New Testament cards face down on a table. Players take turns flipping over two cards to see if they match. If they don't match, the cards are turned back over.

Which game would you like to play?