New testament disciples

Here is a list of the 12 apostles of Jesus Christ, as well as some other notable disciples mentioned in the New Testament:

The 12 Apostles:

  1. Simon Peter (also known as Peter) - leader of the apostles and considered the first bishop of Rome
  2. Andrew - Peter's brother and one of Jesus' earliest followers
  3. James (son of Zebedee) - one of Jesus' inner circle and brother of John
  4. John (son of Zebedee) - one of Jesus' inner circle and brother of James
  5. Philip - from Bethsaida, where Jesus grew up
  6. Bartholomew (also known as Nathaniel) - from Cana, where Jesus turned water into wine
  7. Thomas - known for his doubts and skepticism
  8. Matthew - a tax collector and one of Jesus' earliest followers
  9. James (son of Alphaeus) - not much is known about him, but he is often referred to as "James the Less"
  10. Simon the Zealot - a member of the Zealot party, which sought to overthrow Roman rule
  11. Judas Iscariot - betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver
  12. Matthias - replaced Judas after his betrayal and was chosen by lot

Other Notable Disciples:

  1. Mary Magdalene - one of Jesus' closest female followers and the first to see him after his resurrection
  2. Mary, the mother of James and John - mother of two of Jesus' inner circle
  3. Joanna - wife of Chuza, a steward of King Herod Antipas, and one of Jesus' female followers
  4. Susanna - one of Jesus' female followers and a member of the group of women who followed him
  5. Lazarus - a close friend of Jesus who was raised from the dead
  6. Cleopas - a follower of Jesus who is mentioned in the Gospel of Luke
  7. Stephen - one of the first deacons of the early Christian church and a martyr
  8. Barnabas - a follower of Jesus who was instrumental in the spread of Christianity
  9. Silas - a follower of Jesus who was a companion of Paul on his missionary journeys
  10. Timothy - a young disciple who was a companion of Paul and a leader in the early Christian church

It's worth noting that the New Testament does not provide a comprehensive list of all the disciples of Jesus, and some of the individuals mentioned above may have been part of a larger group of followers. Additionally, the New Testament does not provide much information about the lives and ministries of many of the disciples beyond what is mentioned in the Gospels and Acts.