New testament church of god

The New Testament Church of God (NTCG) is a Christian denomination that was founded in 1933 by a group of ministers who broke away from the Church of God (Cleveland, Tennessee). The NTCG is headquartered in Cleveland, Tennessee, and has a presence in over 30 countries around the world.

Here are some key beliefs and practices of the New Testament Church of God:

Biblical Authority: The NTCG believes in the authority of the Bible, which is considered the inspired word of God. They believe that the Bible is the only source of authority for the church.

Trinity: The NTCG believes in the Trinity, which is the concept of one God in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Salvation: The NTCG teaches that salvation is available to all people through faith in Jesus Christ. They believe that salvation is a gift from God, and that it is received through repentance and baptism.

Baptism: The NTCG practices baptism by immersion, which is seen as a symbol of the believer's death to sin and resurrection to new life in Christ.

Holy Spirit: The NTCG places a strong emphasis on the work of the Holy Spirit in the life of the believer. They believe that the Holy Spirit is the one who empowers believers for service and witness.

Church Government: The NTCG is governed by a system of elders and deacons, who are elected by the congregation. The elders are responsible for leading the church and making decisions, while the deacons are responsible for serving the needs of the congregation.

Worship: The NTCG practices a traditional style of worship, which includes singing, praying, and preaching. They also observe the Lord's Supper (Communion) on a regular basis.

Mission: The NTCG is committed to spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations. They have a strong missionary program, and they support missionaries around the world.

Education: The NTCG places a strong emphasis on education, and they have a number of educational institutions, including colleges and universities.

Social Issues: The NTCG is involved in a number of social issues, including poverty relief, disaster relief, and community development.

Distinctives: The NTCG has a number of distinctives that set it apart from other Christian denominations. These include:

Overall, the New Testament Church of God is a conservative Christian denomination that is committed to spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ and building up the body of Christ.