New testament church history

The New Testament Church History refers to the period of time from the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ to the end of the 1st century AD, during which the early Christian church developed and spread throughout the Mediterranean world. Here is a brief overview of the major events and figures of this period:

The Early Church (30-50 AD)

The Council of Jerusalem (49-50 AD)

The Spread of Christianity (50-100 AD)

The Persecution of Christians (50-100 AD)

The Death of the Apostles (50-100 AD)

The Development of Christian Doctrine (50-100 AD)

The Emergence of Christian Hierarchy (50-100 AD)

Overall, the New Testament Church History is a story of the spread of Christianity from its humble beginnings in Jerusalem to its establishment as a major religion in the Mediterranean world. It is a story of the development of Christian doctrine and practices, the emergence of Christian hierarchy, and the martyrdom of many believers.