New testament books quiz

Here's a quiz on the New Testament books:

Part 1: Multiple Choice

Choose the correct answer for each question:

  1. Which book of the New Testament is often referred to as the "Gospel of Love"? a) Matthew b) Mark c) Luke d) John

  2. Which apostle wrote the book of Hebrews? a) Peter b) Paul c) James d) Jude

  3. What is the main theme of the book of Revelation? a) The life and teachings of Jesus b) The early Christian church c) The end of the world and the return of Jesus d) The life of the apostle Paul

  4. Which book of the New Testament is a collection of letters written by Paul to early Christian churches? a) The Gospel of Matthew b) The Acts of the Apostles c) The Epistles of Paul d) The Book of Revelation

  5. Who wrote the book of 1 John? a) John the Baptist b) John the Apostle c) James the Apostle d) Peter the Apostle

Part 2: Short Answer

Answer the following questions in 1-2 sentences each:

  1. What is the main purpose of the book of Acts?

  2. Who is the main character in the book of Philippians?

  3. What is the theme of the book of James?

  4. Who wrote the book of 2 Peter?

  5. What is the main message of the book of 1 Corinthians?

Part 3: Identification

Identify the following New Testament books:

  1. The book that begins with the phrase "The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ..."

  2. The book that is often referred to as the "Gospel of the Kingdom"

  3. The book that is a collection of letters written by Paul to early Christian churches

  4. The book that is often referred to as the "Gospel of Love"

  5. The book that is the last book of the New Testament

Let me know when you're ready to submit your answers, and I'll tell you how you did!