New testament bible characters

Here is a list of significant characters in the New Testament of the Bible:


  1. Peter (Simon Peter) - one of Jesus' twelve apostles, considered the leader of the early Christian church
  2. John (the Apostle) - one of Jesus' twelve apostles, wrote the Gospel of John and the Book of Revelation
  3. James (the Apostle) - one of Jesus' twelve apostles, became the leader of the church in Jerusalem
  4. Andrew - one of Jesus' twelve apostles, brother of Peter
  5. Philip - one of Jesus' twelve apostles
  6. Bartholomew (Nathaniel) - one of Jesus' twelve apostles
  7. Thomas - one of Jesus' twelve apostles, known for his doubts
  8. Matthew (Levi) - one of Jesus' twelve apostles, a tax collector
  9. James (son of Alphaeus) - one of Jesus' twelve apostles
  10. Simon the Zealot - one of Jesus' twelve apostles
  11. Judas Iscariot - one of Jesus' twelve apostles, betrayed Jesus
  12. Matthias - chosen to replace Judas Iscariot as an apostle

Other Disciples

  1. Mary Magdalene - a follower of Jesus, one of the first to see him after his resurrection
  2. Mary, the mother of Jesus - the mother of Jesus Christ
  3. Joseph of Arimathea - a follower of Jesus, provided his tomb
  4. Nicodemus - a Pharisee who became a follower of Jesus
  5. Lazarus - a friend of Jesus, raised from the dead by Jesus
  6. Martha - a follower of Jesus, sister of Lazarus
  7. Mary, the sister of Lazarus - a follower of Jesus, sister of Martha and Lazarus

Pharisees and Sadducees

  1. Nicodemus - a Pharisee who became a follower of Jesus
  2. Joseph of Arimathea - a Pharisee who provided Jesus' tomb
  3. Annas - a Pharisee who questioned Jesus
  4. Caiaphas - a Pharisee who presided over Jesus' trial
  5. Sadducees - a group of Jewish leaders who did not believe in the resurrection

Roman Officials

  1. Pontius Pilate - the Roman governor who sentenced Jesus to death
  2. Herod Antipas - the Roman-appointed king of Galilee who had John the Baptist beheaded
  3. Felix - the Roman governor who imprisoned Paul
  4. Festus - the Roman governor who succeeded Felix
  5. Agrippa II - the Roman-appointed king of Judea who questioned Paul

Other Characters

  1. Cornelius - a Gentile (non-Jewish) who became a follower of Jesus
  2. Lydia - a businesswoman who became a follower of Jesus
  3. Stephen - a deacon who was stoned to death for his faith
  4. Philip - a deacon who preached to the Ethiopian eunuch
  5. Saul (Paul) - a Pharisee who became a follower of Jesus and wrote many of the New Testament epistles
  6. Timothy - a young Christian who was mentored by Paul
  7. Titus - a young Christian who was mentored by Paul
  8. Barnabas - a Christian who helped Paul spread the gospel
  9. Silas - a Christian who helped Paul spread the gospel
  10. Apollos - a Christian who was a teacher and preacher

This is not an exhaustive list, but it includes many of the significant characters in the New Testament.