New teeth growing at the back

You're referring to wisdom teeth!

Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, are a set of teeth that typically begin to develop in the back of the mouth during the late teenage years to early twenties. They are called "wisdom" teeth because they usually emerge when a person is older and wiser.

Here are some interesting facts about wisdom teeth:

  1. Most people get wisdom teeth: About 35% of people are born without wisdom teeth, but for the majority, they start to develop around age 17-25.
  2. They're meant to help with chewing: Wisdom teeth are designed to help with chewing and grinding food, especially tough or fibrous foods like meat and vegetables.
  3. They can cause problems: Because our diets have changed over time, and our jaws have become smaller, wisdom teeth often don't have enough room to come in properly. This can lead to issues like overcrowding, impaction, and infection.
  4. They're usually removed: Due to the potential problems they can cause, many dentists recommend removing wisdom teeth to prevent future issues.
  5. They can be tricky to remove: Wisdom teeth are often impacted, which means they're stuck in the jawbone or gum tissue. This can make them difficult to remove, and sometimes requires surgical extraction.
  6. They're not always necessary: Some people may not need to have their wisdom teeth removed, especially if they're not causing any problems. Your dentist can help you decide whether removal is necessary.

If you're experiencing symptoms like pain, swelling, or difficulty opening your mouth, it's a good idea to schedule an appointment with your dentist to discuss your wisdom teeth.