New technology logo

Here are some ideas for a new technology logo:

1. Circuit Breaker

A stylized circuit breaker icon with a bold, modern font: "TechWave"

2. Code Fragment

A fragmented code snippet with a futuristic twist: "ByteBite"

3. Robot Arm

A stylized robot arm with a glowing blue circuit board: "TechForge"

4. Data Wave

A wavy line representing data transmission, with a bold, sans-serif font: "DataFlow"

5. Gearbox

A stylized gearbox with interlocking gears, symbolizing innovation and progress: "TechGears"

6. Lightbulb Moment

A stylized lightbulb with a circuit board inside, representing innovation and creativity: "IllumiTech"

7. Network Node

A stylized network node with interconnected lines, representing connection and communication: "ConnectX"

8. Binary Code

A stylized binary code pattern with a futuristic font: "CodeCraft"

9. Robot Eye

A stylized robot eye with a glowing blue iris, representing surveillance and monitoring: "TechEye"

10. Circuit Board

A stylized circuit board with a bold, modern font: "TechCore"

These are just a few ideas to get you started. Remember to choose a logo that reflects your brand's values, mission, and personality. Good luck with your new technology venture!