New std

You're referring to the new standard library (std) in C++!

The C++ standard library, also known as the Standard Template Library (STL), is a collection of reusable, generic algorithms and data structures that can be used to write efficient and effective C++ programs.

The new standard library, introduced in C++11, includes many improvements and additions to the original STL. Some of the key features of the new standard library include:

  1. Move semantics: The ability to transfer ownership of objects without copying them, which can improve performance and reduce memory usage.
  2. Rvalue references: A new type of reference that can be used to bind to rvalues (temporary objects) and to implement move semantics.
  3. auto keyword: A new keyword that allows you to declare variables with automatic type deduction, making your code more concise and expressive.
  4. Lambda expressions: A new way to create small, anonymous functions that can be used as arguments to higher-order functions or as event handlers.
  5. Smart pointers: New classes (unique_ptr and shared_ptr) that provide automatic memory management and help prevent common errors like memory leaks and dangling pointers.
  6. Regular expressions: A new library (regex) that provides support for regular expressions, which can be used for pattern matching and text processing.
  7. Random number generation: A new library (random) that provides a more efficient and flexible way to generate random numbers.
  8. File system operations: A new library (filesystem) that provides a more efficient and flexible way to perform file system operations, such as creating and deleting directories, and reading and writing files.
  9. Atomic operations: A new library (atomic) that provides a way to perform atomic operations on shared variables, which can help prevent data races and ensure thread safety.
  10. Variadic templates: A new feature that allows you to write functions and classes that can take a variable number of arguments, making your code more flexible and reusable.

These are just a few examples of the many new features and improvements in the C++11 standard library. If you're interested in learning more, I'd be happy to provide more information or resources!