New star soccer cheats

New Star Soccer is a popular mobile game that allows players to manage their own soccer team and compete against others. Here are some cheats and tips to help you improve your gameplay and get ahead:


  1. Unlimited Coins: To get unlimited coins, go to the game's settings and turn off the "Coin Limit" option. Then, go to the shop and buy as many coins as you want.
  2. Unlimited Energy: To get unlimited energy, go to the game's settings and turn off the "Energy Limit" option. Then, go to the training ground and train your players until you have enough energy to play a match.
  3. Unlimited Players: To get unlimited players, go to the game's settings and turn off the "Player Limit" option. Then, go to the transfer market and buy as many players as you want.


  1. Focus on Defense: Defense is key in New Star Soccer. Make sure to invest in good defenders and goalkeepers to prevent your opponents from scoring.
  2. Build a Strong Midfield: A strong midfield can help you control the game and create scoring opportunities. Focus on buying midfielders with high passing and tackling stats.
  3. Invest in Attack: A good attack can help you score goals and win matches. Focus on buying strikers with high shooting and speed stats.
  4. Train Your Players: Training your players can help them improve their skills and increase their stats. Focus on training your players in areas where they need improvement.
  5. Use Your Substitutes Wisely: Substituting players can help you change the pace of the game and bring in fresh legs. Use your substitutes wisely to gain an advantage over your opponents.
  6. Manage Your Team's Morale: Team morale can affect your players' performance. Make sure to keep your team's morale high by giving them bonuses and rewards.
  7. Play Against Weaker Opponents: Playing against weaker opponents can help you win matches and earn more coins. Look for opponents with lower ratings and take advantage of their weaknesses.
  8. Use Your Coins Wisely: Coins are limited in New Star Soccer, so make sure to use them wisely. Focus on buying players and items that will help you improve your team's performance.


  1. Free Players: Sometimes, players can be obtained for free by exploiting a glitch in the game. Look for players with high stats and low prices, and try to negotiate with the seller to get them for free.
  2. Free Coins: Sometimes, coins can be obtained for free by exploiting a glitch in the game. Look for coins that are stuck in the game's code and try to find a way to get them for free.

Remember, cheating and exploiting glitches can get you banned from the game. Make sure to use these tips and cheats responsibly and within the game's rules.