New stamford bridge capacity

The new Stamford Bridge, the home stadium of Chelsea Football Club, has undergone several renovations and expansions over the years to increase its capacity. Here are the key milestones:

  1. Original capacity (1877-1997): 8,500 The stadium was built in 1877 and had a capacity of around 8,500 seats.
  2. Expansion (1997-2001): 33,000 The stadium underwent a major renovation and expansion, increasing its capacity to 33,000 seats.
  3. Further expansion (2007-2009): 41,666 The stadium underwent another expansion, increasing its capacity to 41,666 seats.
  4. Current capacity (2019-present): 41,666 The stadium has undergone several renovations and updates since 2019, but its capacity remains at 41,666 seats.

It's worth noting that the stadium's capacity may be increased further in the future, depending on the club's plans and the demand for tickets. However, there are currently no plans to significantly expand the stadium's capacity in the near future.