New staff orientation checklist

Here is a comprehensive new staff orientation checklist to ensure a smooth onboarding process:

Pre-Orientations (Before the New Staff Member's First Day)

  1. Job Description and Expectations:
    • Review and confirm the new staff member's job description and responsibilities.
    • Ensure they understand their role and expectations.
  2. Company Policies and Procedures:
    • Send relevant company policies and procedures to the new staff member for review.
    • Ensure they understand the company's culture, values, and mission.
  3. IT and Technology Setup:
    • Set up the new staff member's computer, phone, and other necessary technology.
    • Ensure they have access to all necessary software and systems.
  4. Benefits and Compensation:
    • Review the new staff member's benefits and compensation package.
    • Ensure they understand their benefits, including health insurance, retirement plans, and paid time off.

First Day of Orientation (In-Person or Virtual)

  1. Welcome and Introduction:
    • Welcome the new staff member and introduce them to the team.
    • Provide a brief overview of the company and their role.
  2. Company Overview:
    • Provide a comprehensive overview of the company, including its history, mission, values, and culture.
    • Discuss the company's goals, objectives, and key performance indicators (KPIs).
  3. Job-Specific Training:
    • Provide job-specific training and orientation to ensure the new staff member understands their responsibilities and tasks.
    • Cover any necessary skills or certifications required for their role.
  4. Meet the Team:
    • Introduce the new staff member to their colleagues and team members.
    • Encourage them to build relationships and ask questions.
  5. Tour the Facility:
    • Provide a tour of the facility, including the new staff member's workspace and any other relevant areas.

Ongoing Orientation (Days 2-5)

  1. Department-Specific Training:
    • Provide department-specific training and orientation to ensure the new staff member understands their role within the department.
    • Cover any specific procedures, protocols, or software used in the department.
  2. Meet with Key Stakeholders:
    • Arrange meetings with key stakeholders, including supervisors, colleagues, and other relevant team members.
    • Encourage the new staff member to ask questions and build relationships.
  3. Review and Sign Off:
    • Review the new staff member's job description, expectations, and responsibilities.
    • Ensure they understand and agree to the terms of their employment.
  4. Ongoing Support:
    • Provide ongoing support and guidance to the new staff member.
    • Encourage them to ask questions and seek help when needed.

Post-Orientations (After the New Staff Member's First Week)

  1. Check-Ins:
    • Schedule regular check-ins with the new staff member to ensure they are settling in and addressing any concerns.
    • Provide feedback and guidance as needed.
  2. Performance Expectations:
    • Review the new staff member's performance expectations and goals.
    • Ensure they understand what is expected of them and how their performance will be evaluated.
  3. Ongoing Training and Development:
    • Provide ongoing training and development opportunities to ensure the new staff member continues to grow and develop in their role.
    • Encourage them to take ownership of their professional development.

Remember to tailor your orientation checklist to your company's specific needs and requirements. It's also essential to involve multiple stakeholders and team members in the orientation process to ensure a comprehensive and supportive onboarding experience for new staff members.