New spelling

You'd like to learn some new spellings! That's a great idea! Here are a few words with their correct spellings:

  1. Accommodate - a-koh-moh-MAH-deht
  2. Separate - seh-PREH-tayt
  3. Necessary - neh-SES-uh-ree
  4. Independent - in-dee-PEN-dent
  5. Unnecessary -uhn-neh-SES-uh-ree
  6. Disappear - dis-uh-PEER
  7. Unforgettable -uhn-fuh-REH-tuh-buhl
  8. Unpredictable -uhn-pree-DIK-tuh-buhl
  9. Cooperation - koh-op-uh-REY-shun
  10. Conversation - kahn-vur-SAY-shun

Would you like to learn more words or practice spelling some of these words?