New soapy dance

A new soapy dance, you say? Let's get creative and come up with a fun and silly dance together!

Here's a possible dance:

The Soapy Sway

  1. Start by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, with your arms relaxed by your sides.
  2. As the music starts, sway your hips from side to side, keeping your upper body still. Imagine you're swishing a soapy sponge back and forth.
  3. As you sway, start to bob your head and tap your toes. You can also add in some arm movements, like waving your hands in the air or making a "washing" motion with your fingers.
  4. Now, it's time to get a little messy! Take a step to the side and pretend to slip on a soap bubble. You can do this by sliding your foot out to the side and then bringing it back in. Repeat this motion a few times, laughing and having fun.
  5. Next, imagine you're rinsing off the soap. Take a step forward and swing your arms up and over your head, as if you're washing away the soap suds.
  6. Repeat the sequence a few times, adding in your own flair and style. You can even add in some extra moves, like spinning around or jumping up and down.

The Soapy Shimmy

  1. Start by standing with your feet together, with your arms relaxed by your sides.
  2. As the music starts, shimmy your shoulders up and down, keeping your hips still. Imagine you're shaking off excess soap.
  3. As you shimmy, start to bounce your knees and swing your arms. You can also add in some hip swivels or chest pops.
  4. Now, it's time to get a little suds-tastic! Take a step to the side and pretend to splash into a soap bubble. You can do this by jumping up and out to the side, and then landing softly on the balls of your feet.
  5. Next, imagine you're rinsing off the soap again. Take a step forward and swing your arms up and over your head, as if you're washing away the soap suds.
  6. Repeat the sequence a few times, adding in your own flair and style. You can even add in some extra moves, like spinning around or jumping up and down.

I hope these dances inspire you to get creative and have fun!