New shining white

You're referring to the iconic 1980 horror film "The Shining" directed by Stanley Kubrick!

The "new shining white" you're talking about is likely the Overlook Hotel, which is the main setting of the film. The hotel's exterior is depicted as a grand, isolated, and eerie resort, with a distinctive white facade that has become synonymous with the film's eerie atmosphere.

The Overlook Hotel's design was inspired by the Timberline Lodge in Oregon, which was used as the exterior filming location. The hotel's interior, on the other hand, was built as a set at Elstree Studios in England.

The "shining white" color scheme of the hotel's exterior is often associated with the themes of isolation, madness, and the supernatural that permeate the film. The color white is also often used to represent purity, innocence, and cleanliness, which contrasts with the dark and disturbing events that unfold within the hotel's walls.

What's your favorite aspect of "The Shining"?