New sex 2020

It seems like you're looking for information on the latest developments in the field of sexology or sexual health in 2020. Here are some key findings and trends that were reported in 2020:

  1. Sexual wellness apps: There was a surge in popularity of sexual wellness apps, such as Clue, Flo, and OhmConnect, which aim to help users track their sexual health, fertility, and pleasure.
  2. Sexual education: There was a growing emphasis on comprehensive sexual education, with many schools and organizations incorporating topics like consent, gender identity, and sexual orientation into their curricula.
  3. Sexual health and COVID-19: The COVID-19 pandemic had a significant impact on sexual health, with many people experiencing changes in their sexual behavior, such as reduced frequency or avoidance of sexual activity, due to concerns about transmission.
  4. Sexual pleasure and pleasure products: There was a growing interest in sexual pleasure and pleasure products, with many people seeking out new ways to enhance their sexual experiences, such as using sex toys or exploring different sexual practices.
  5. Sexual diversity and inclusivity: There was a growing recognition of the importance of sexual diversity and inclusivity, with many organizations and individuals working to promote acceptance and understanding of non-heterosexual and non-cisgender identities.
  6. Sexual violence and consent: There was a growing focus on sexual violence and consent, with many people and organizations working to raise awareness about the importance of consent and to prevent sexual violence.
  7. Sexual health and mental health: There was a growing recognition of the link between sexual health and mental health, with many people seeking out therapy or counseling to address issues related to their sexual well-being.

Some notable studies and reports from 2020 include:

I hope this information is helpful!