New sex 2019

It seems like you're looking for information on the latest developments in the field of sexology or sexual health in 2019. Here are some key findings and trends that were reported in 2019:

  1. Sexual wellness apps: There was a surge in popularity of sexual wellness apps, such as Clue, Flo, and OhmConnect, which aimed to help users track their sexual health, fertility, and pleasure.
  2. Sexual education: There was a growing emphasis on comprehensive sexual education, with many countries and organizations recognizing its importance in promoting healthy sexual behaviors and reducing sexually transmitted infections (STIs).
  3. Sexual pleasure: The concept of sexual pleasure was increasingly recognized as a fundamental human right, with many experts advocating for a more inclusive and diverse understanding of sexual pleasure.
  4. Sexual health and wellness: The importance of sexual health and wellness was highlighted, with a focus on promoting healthy sexual behaviors, reducing STIs, and addressing sexual dysfunction.
  5. LGBTQ+ sexual health: There was a growing recognition of the need for inclusive and culturally sensitive sexual health services for LGBTQ+ individuals, who often face unique challenges and barriers in accessing healthcare.
  6. Sexual violence: The issue of sexual violence was highlighted, with many organizations and governments working to address the prevalence of sexual assault and harassment.
  7. Sexual consent: The importance of sexual consent was emphasized, with many experts advocating for a culture of enthusiastic consent and respect for boundaries.
  8. Sexual diversity: There was a growing recognition of the importance of sexual diversity, with many experts advocating for a more inclusive and accepting understanding of sexual orientation and gender identity.
  9. Sexual health and technology: The intersection of sexual health and technology was explored, with many experts discussing the potential benefits and risks of using technology to promote sexual health and wellness.
  10. Sexual research: There was a growing emphasis on sexual research, with many studies published in 2019 exploring topics such as sexual desire, sexual dysfunction, and sexual pleasure.

These are just a few of the key trends and findings in the field of sexology and sexual health in 2019. If you have any specific questions or topics you'd like to discuss, feel free to ask!