New scramble for africa pdf

You're looking for a PDF on the "New Scramble for Africa"!

Here are a few options:

  1. "The New Scramble for Africa" by John Akamah (PDF): This is a 2019 report by the African Centre for the Constructive Resolution of Conflicts (ACCORD) that explores the implications of the "new scramble" for Africa's development and stability.
  2. "The New Scramble for Africa: Implications for Africa's Development and Stability" by the African Union (PDF): This 2018 report by the African Union's Department of Political Affairs highlights the challenges and opportunities arising from the "new scramble" for Africa's natural resources and markets.
  3. "The New Scramble for Africa: A Review of the Literature" by the International Journal of African Renaissance Studies (PDF): This 2017 review article by the International Journal of African Renaissance Studies provides an overview of the existing literature on the "new scramble" for Africa, highlighting key themes, debates, and implications.

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