New scotland yard

New Scotland Yard is the headquarters of the Metropolitan Police Service, the police force responsible for law enforcement in Greater London, England. The building is located on the Embankment in the City of Westminster, London, and is one of the most iconic and recognizable landmarks in the city.

History: The original Scotland Yard was located on the site of the current building, but it was destroyed in a fire in 1897. The current building was designed by architects Warren and Son and was completed in 1890. It was officially opened on August 26, 1890, by the then-Home Secretary, Henry Matthews.

Architecture: The building is a Grade I listed building and is considered one of the most impressive examples of Victorian Gothic Revival architecture in London. It features a striking clock tower, which is 100 feet (30 meters) tall, and is topped with a statue of the Greek goddess Minerva. The building's façade is made of Portland stone and features intricate carvings and ornate details.

Features: New Scotland Yard is a large complex that houses the Metropolitan Police Service's headquarters, as well as various other police departments and agencies. The building is home to the Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police Service, as well as the Deputy Commissioner and other senior officers. The building also features a museum, a memorial garden, and a chapel.

Museum: The New Scotland Yard Museum is located within the building and tells the story of the Metropolitan Police Service's history and operations. The museum features exhibits on the police's role in major events, such as the Jack the Ripper murders and the 2011 London riots, as well as exhibits on the police's forensic science and technology.

Memorial Garden: The Memorial Garden is a peaceful oasis located within the building and is dedicated to the memory of police officers who have died in the line of duty. The garden features a memorial wall, a fountain, and a variety of plants and flowers.

Chapel: The chapel is a small, peaceful space located within the building and is used for prayer and reflection by police officers and staff. The chapel features a stained-glass window and a statue of the Virgin Mary.

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