New saudi prince

You're referring to the recent changes in the Saudi royal family!

Yes, on November 20, 2022, Saudi Arabia's King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud issued a royal decree announcing the appointment of Prince Faisal bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud as the new Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia. This move marked a significant change in the line of succession, as Prince Faisal is the new heir apparent to the throne.

Here's a brief background on Prince Faisal:

The appointment of Prince Faisal as Crown Prince has been seen as a significant step towards ensuring a smooth transition of power within the Saudi royal family. King Salman, who is 86 years old, has been on the throne since 2015 and has been gradually transferring power to his son and other family members.

What would you like to know more about regarding Prince Faisal or the Saudi royal family?