New rules for laptops on planes

You're referring to the new rules for laptops and electronic devices on planes!

In March 2017, the US Transportation Security Administration (TSA) announced new guidelines for laptops and electronic devices on commercial flights. Here's a summary:

New Rules:

  1. Laptops and tablets: These devices are now allowed in checked baggage, but they must be in a protective case and not easily accessible.
  2. Smartphones and e-readers: These devices are still allowed in carry-on bags and can be used during takeoff and landing.
  3. Other electronic devices: Devices like cameras, gaming consoles, and portable DVD players are also allowed in carry-on bags.
  4. Power banks and chargers: These are still allowed in carry-on bags, but must be in a protective case and not easily accessible.


  1. Laptops and tablets in checked baggage: If you need to check your laptop or tablet, you must declare it at the security checkpoint and it will be screened separately.
  2. Medical devices: Certain medical devices, such as pacemakers and insulin pumps, are exempt from these rules.

Why the change?

The TSA made these changes to improve security and reduce the risk of laptop bombs on planes. The new rules are designed to make it more difficult for terrorists to hide explosives in electronic devices.

Tips for travelers:

  1. Check with your airline: Before your flight, check with your airline to confirm their policies on laptops and electronic devices.
  2. Pack your devices carefully: Make sure to pack your devices in a protective case and keep them easily accessible in your carry-on bag.
  3. Be prepared for screening: Be prepared to remove your laptop and other electronic devices from your carry-on bag and place them in a separate bin for screening.

Remember, these rules are subject to change, so always check with the TSA or your airline for the latest information before your flight.