New rotors vs old rotors

When it comes to rotors, there are several factors to consider when deciding whether to replace them with new ones or reuse the old ones. Here are some points to help you make an informed decision:

New Rotors:


  1. Improved Performance: New rotors can provide better braking performance, as they are designed to withstand the heat and wear generated by repeated braking.
  2. Increased Safety: New rotors can help prevent brake failure, which can be a serious safety concern, especially in emergency braking situations.
  3. Better Durability: New rotors are designed to last longer and withstand the rigors of daily driving, including extreme temperatures, road conditions, and heavy use.
  4. Improved Noise Reduction: New rotors can be designed with noise-reducing features, such as ventilation holes or special coatings, to minimize brake noise.


  1. Higher Cost: New rotors can be more expensive than reusing old ones, especially if you need to replace multiple rotors.
  2. Additional Labor: Installing new rotors may require additional labor, which can add to the overall cost.

Old Rotors:


  1. Lower Cost: Reusing old rotors can save you money, as you won't need to purchase new ones.
  2. Less Labor: Reusing old rotors typically requires less labor, as you won't need to remove and install new ones.


  1. Reduced Performance: Old rotors may not perform as well as new ones, which can affect braking performance and safety.
  2. Increased Risk of Failure: Old rotors may be more prone to failure, which can lead to brake failure and potentially serious safety issues.
  3. Reduced Durability: Old rotors may not withstand the rigors of daily driving, which can lead to premature wear and tear.

When to Replace Old Rotors:

  1. Worn-out or Warped Rotors: If your rotors are worn out or warped, it's recommended to replace them to ensure safe and effective braking.
  2. Corrosion or Rust: If your rotors are corroded or rusted, it's best to replace them to prevent further damage and ensure proper braking performance.
  3. High Mileage: If your vehicle has high mileage (typically over 50,000 miles), it's recommended to replace the rotors to ensure optimal braking performance and safety.
  4. Brake Pad Wear: If your brake pads are worn out, it's recommended to replace the rotors as well, as worn-out rotors can affect brake pad performance and longevity.

Ultimately, the decision to replace old rotors with new ones depends on your vehicle's specific needs, driving habits, and budget. It's always recommended to consult with a professional mechanic or brake specialist to determine the best course of action for your vehicle.