New robocop

The new RoboCop! Here's what I've got:

RoboCop (2014)

The fourth installment in the RoboCop franchise, directed by José Padilha and starring Joel Kinnaman as Alex Murphy/RoboCop.


In a dystopian Detroit, police officer Alex Murphy is brutally murdered and his body is used to create a cyborg law enforcement officer, RoboCop. The corporation OmniCorp, led by Raymond Sellars (Michael Keaton), aims to use RoboCop to quell civil unrest and maintain control over the city.

As RoboCop, Alex struggles to maintain his humanity and sense of identity while carrying out his duties. He begins to question the motives of his creators and the true nature of his existence.

Changes from the original

The new RoboCop film takes a different approach to the character and the world he inhabits. Here are some key changes:

  1. More emphasis on character development: The 2014 film focuses more on Alex Murphy's backstory and his relationships with his family and colleagues, making him a more relatable and human character.
  2. A more nuanced portrayal of the corporation: OmniCorp is depicted as a complex organization with both benevolent and malevolent intentions, rather than a straightforward villain.
  3. A darker, grittier tone: The film's visuals and atmosphere are darker and more realistic, reflecting the harsh realities of a dystopian Detroit.
  4. A new design for RoboCop: The suit and design of RoboCop have been updated to make him more agile and human-like, with a greater emphasis on his mechanical aspects.


The 2014 RoboCop film received mixed reviews from critics, with some praising the performances and themes, while others felt it lacked the satire and social commentary of the original. The film grossed over $242 million worldwide, making it a moderate commercial success.

Sequel and future

A sequel, RoboCop Returns, was announced in 2018, with Neill Blomkamp (District 9, Elysium) set to direct. However, the project has been delayed due to creative differences and the departure of the original writers.

What do you think about the new RoboCop film? Do you prefer the original or the reboot?