New river niger bridge

The New Niger Bridge is a proposed bridge project in Nigeria that aims to replace the existing Niger Bridge, which is one of the busiest and most important bridges in the country. Here are some key facts about the project:

Location: The bridge will be built across the Niger River, connecting the states of Anambra and Delta in southeastern Nigeria.

Purpose: The new bridge is designed to improve transportation infrastructure in the region, reduce traffic congestion, and enhance economic development.


Cost: The estimated cost of the project is around ₦400 billion (approximately $1.1 billion USD).

Timeline: The project is expected to be completed within 36 months, with construction expected to begin in 2023.



Progress: The project is currently at the design stage, with the Federal Ministry of Works and Housing working with international consultants to finalize the design and engineering plans. The Nigerian government has also secured funding for the project from the African Development Bank and other international organizations.

Overall, the New Niger Bridge project is an important infrastructure development initiative that has the potential to transform the transportation landscape in Nigeria and boost economic growth in the region.