New pron

You're looking for some new pronouns!

There are many gender-neutral and non-binary pronouns that people use to refer to themselves. Here are some common ones:

  1. They/Them: This is a popular gender-neutral pronoun that can be used as a singular or plural pronoun.
  2. Ze/Hir: Ze is a gender-neutral pronoun that can be used as a substitute for "he" or "she." Hir is the object form of ze.
  3. Xe/Xem: Xe is another gender-neutral pronoun that can be used as a substitute for "he" or "she." Xem is the object form of xe.
  4. Ve/Vir: Ve is a gender-neutral pronoun that can be used as a substitute for "he" or "she." Vir is the object form of ve.
  5. E/Eir: E is a gender-neutral pronoun that can be used as a substitute for "he" or "she." Eir is the object form of e.
  6. Co/Cop: Co is a gender-neutral pronoun that can be used as a substitute for "he" or "she." Cop is the object form of co.
  7. Ti/Tim: Ti is a gender-neutral pronoun that can be used as a substitute for "he" or "she." Tim is the object form of ti.

Remember, it's essential to respect people's preferred pronouns and use them consistently when referring to them. If you're unsure what pronouns someone prefers, you can always ask politely!

Do you have a favorite pronoun or one that you're interested in learning more about?