New programming languages list

Here is a list of new programming languages that have been released in recent years (2010-2022):

  1. Kotlin (2011): A modern, statically typed language for Android app development.
  2. Go (2012): A statically typed language developed by Google, designed for building scalable and concurrent systems.
  3. Rust (2010): A systems programming language that prioritizes safety and performance.
  4. Swift (2014): A modern, high-performance language developed by Apple for building iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS apps.
  5. TypeScript (2012): A statically typed superset of JavaScript, designed for building large-scale JavaScript applications.
  6. Haskell (2013): A purely functional programming language with strong type inference and lazy evaluation.
  7. Julia (2012): A high-performance language for numerical and scientific computing, with a focus on dynamism and ease of use.
  8. Crystal (2014): A statically typed language that compiles to C, designed for building high-performance web applications.
  9. Nim (2012): A statically typed language that compiles to C, designed for building high-performance systems and applications.
  10. F# (2010): A functional programming language for.NET, designed for building robust and maintainable software systems.
  11. Raku (2015): A modern, object-oriented language that is a successor to Perl 6, designed for building web applications and scripting.
  12. Dart (2011): A modern, object-oriented language developed by Google, designed for building web and mobile applications.
  13. Elixir (2011): A dynamic language that runs on the Erlang VM, designed for building scalable and concurrent systems.
  14. Haxe (2005, but gained popularity in recent years): A multi-platform language that allows developers to write code in a single language and deploy it to multiple platforms.
  15. Zig (2016): A systems programming language that prioritizes performance, safety, and conciseness.
  16. Crystal (2014): A statically typed language that compiles to C, designed for building high-performance web applications.
  17. Nix (2015): A functional programming language that is designed for building and managing software systems.
  18. Elm (2012): A functional programming language that is designed for building web applications.
  19. ReasonML (2016): A statically typed language that is designed for building web applications and is a part of the OCaml ecosystem.
  20. Pony (2015): A statically typed language that is designed for building high-performance, concurrent systems.

Note that this is not an exhaustive list, and there may be other new programming languages that are not included here.