New product questionnaire

Here's a sample questionnaire for a new product:

Product Information

Product Features

  1. What are the key features of your new product? (Check all that apply)
    • Unique design
    • Advanced technology
    • Improved performance
    • Increased durability
    • Enhanced user experience
    • Other (please specify): ___
  2. How do these features benefit the customer? ___
  3. Are there any specific features that set your product apart from competitors? ___

Product Benefits

  1. What are the main benefits of your new product? (Check all that apply)
    • Cost savings
    • Increased efficiency
    • Improved quality
    • Enhanced user experience
    • Increased convenience
    • Other (please specify): ___
  2. How do these benefits impact the customer's life or business? ___

Product Positioning

  1. How does your product fit into the market? (Check all that apply)
    • Premium product
    • Mid-range product
    • Budget-friendly product
    • Niche product
    • Other (please specify): ___
  2. Who is your target competitor? ___
  3. How does your product differentiate itself from the competition? ___

Product Pricing

  1. What is the suggested retail price for your new product? $_____
  2. Are there any discounts or promotions planned for the launch? ___
  3. How does the pricing strategy align with the product's value proposition? ___

Product Launch

  1. What is the planned launch date for your new product? ___
  2. What marketing channels will be used to promote the product? (Check all that apply)
    • Social media
    • Email marketing
    • Print advertising
    • Online advertising
    • Influencer marketing
    • Other (please specify): ___
  3. Are there any specific events or promotions planned to generate buzz around the launch? ___

Product Feedback

  1. How do you envision customers using your new product? ___
  2. What are the most common pain points or challenges that customers face in the current market? ___
  3. How does your product address these pain points or challenges? ___

Additional Comments

Is there any additional information you'd like to provide about your new product? ___

This questionnaire is designed to gather information about the new product, its features, benefits, positioning, pricing, and launch plans. It also aims to understand the customer's perspective and how the product addresses their needs and pain points.