New product launch presentation

Here is a sample outline for a new product launch presentation:

Title Slide


Problem Statement

Product Overview

Market Opportunity

Marketing Strategy

Sales Strategy

Product Roadmap



Here is a sample script for the presentation:


"Good morning everyone, and welcome to the launch of our new product, [Product Name]. Today, we're excited to introduce a game-changing solution that will revolutionize the way [industry/field] works. Our mission at [Company Name] is to [briefly describe the company's mission]. And with [Product Name], we're taking a major step forward in achieving that mission.

Problem Statement

"As we all know, [briefly describe the problem the product solves]. This is a problem that affects [number] of people and costs [amount] of dollars each year. But with [Product Name], we're offering a solution that will make a real difference in people's lives.

Product Overview

"Let me show you what [Product Name] looks like. [Show visuals of the product]. As you can see, it's designed to be [briefly describe the design and features of the product]. And with its [key feature 1], [key feature 2], and [key feature 3], it's the perfect solution for [target audience].

Market Opportunity

"The market for [industry/field] is growing rapidly, with [number] of new customers entering the market each year. And with [Product Name], we're well-positioned to capture a significant share of that market. Our competitive analysis shows that we're differentiated from the competition in [key area of differentiation].

Marketing Strategy

"Our marketing plan is designed to reach [target audience] through a combination of online and offline channels. We'll be using [channel 1], [channel 2], and [channel 3] to reach our target audience and drive traffic to our website. Our budget for the marketing campaign is [amount], and we expect to see a significant return on investment.

Sales Strategy

"Our sales plan is designed to leverage our existing relationships with [key partners] and [key customers]. We'll be offering [pricing and revenue projections] and providing [level of support] to our customers. We're confident that our sales strategy will help us achieve our revenue projections.

Product Roadmap

"We're committed to continuing to innovate and improve [Product Name]. Our roadmap includes [key milestones and features planned for future releases]. We're excited to share these plans with you today and look forward to continuing to work with you to make [Product Name] the best it can be.


"In conclusion, [Product Name] is a game-changing solution that will revolutionize the way [industry/field] works. We're excited to bring it to market and look forward to working with you to make it a success. Thank you for your attention, and we're happy to take any questions you may have."

Remember to customize the presentation to fit your specific product and audience, and to practice your delivery to ensure a smooth and confident presentation. Good luck!