New president of senegal

As of February 2022, the President of Senegal is Macky Sall. He has been in office since April 2012 and was re-elected for a second term in 2019.

Here is a brief overview of Macky Sall's background and presidency:

Early Life and Career:

Macky Sall was born on December 11, 1961, in Fatick, Senegal. He studied geology and graduated with a degree in 1984. He later earned a master's degree in geology from the University of Dakar.

Sall began his career in politics in the 1990s, serving as a member of the Senegalese parliament from 1998 to 2001. He was also a minister of state for water and sanitation from 2001 to 2004.


Sall was elected as the President of Senegal in 2012, defeating incumbent President Abdoulaye Wade in a runoff election. He took office on April 2, 2012.

During his first term, Sall focused on improving the country's economy, infrastructure, and education system. He also launched several initiatives to reduce poverty and promote sustainable development.

In 2019, Sall was re-elected for a second term, winning 58.26% of the vote in the first round.

Key Achievements:

Some of Sall's key achievements as President of Senegal include:

  1. Economic Growth: Senegal's economy has grown significantly under Sall's leadership, with GDP growth averaging around 6% per year.
  2. Infrastructure Development: Sall has invested heavily in infrastructure development, including the construction of new roads, bridges, and airports.
  3. Education: He has prioritized education, increasing the budget for education and launching initiatives to improve access to quality education, particularly for girls.
  4. Healthcare: Sall has also focused on improving healthcare, increasing access to healthcare services and launching initiatives to combat diseases such as malaria and tuberculosis.
  5. Sustainable Development: He has prioritized sustainable development, launching initiatives to promote renewable energy, reduce carbon emissions, and protect the environment.


Despite his achievements, Sall has faced several challenges during his presidency, including:

  1. Corruption: Senegal has struggled with corruption, and Sall has faced criticism for not doing enough to address the issue.
  2. Economic Inequality: The country still faces significant economic inequality, with many Senegalese struggling to access basic services and opportunities.
  3. Security: Senegal has faced security challenges, including terrorism and organized crime.

Overall, Macky Sall has been a significant figure in Senegalese politics, and his presidency has had a lasting impact on the country's development and growth.