New pokemon game

A new Pokémon game! That's exciting news!

What would you like to know about the new game? Here are some questions to get us started:

  1. Are you excited about the new game's features, such as the new region, characters, or gameplay mechanics?
  2. Have you heard any rumors or leaks about the game's storyline, Pokémon, or gameplay?
  3. Are you looking forward to exploring a new region, meeting new characters, or battling with friends?
  4. Do you have a favorite Pokémon or starter Pokémon that you're hoping to see in the new game?
  5. Are you planning on playing the game on a specific platform, such as the Nintendo Switch, 3DS, or mobile devices?

Let me know your thoughts, and I'll do my best to provide you with more information and updates about the new Pokémon game!