New planets that have been discovered

A fascinating topic! Here are some of the most recent exoplanet discoveries:


  1. TOI-1452b: A scorching hot exoplanet orbiting a small, cool star about 100 light-years from Earth. (NASA's Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS))
  2. K2-315b: A super-Earth exoplanet orbiting a star similar to the Sun, about 200 light-years from Earth. (NASA's Kepler Space Telescope)
  3. HD 139795b: A gas giant exoplanet orbiting a star similar to the Sun, about 300 light-years from Earth. (European Space Agency's (ESA) Gaia spacecraft)


  1. TOI-1338b: A hot Jupiter exoplanet orbiting a star similar to the Sun, about 100 light-years from Earth. (NASA's TESS)
  2. K2-18b: A super-Earth exoplanet orbiting a small, cool star about 111 light-years from Earth. (NASA's Kepler Space Telescope)
  3. HD 189733b: A gas giant exoplanet orbiting a star similar to the Sun, about 63 light-years from Earth. (ESA's Gaia spacecraft)


  1. TOI-700d: A potentially habitable exoplanet orbiting a small, cool star about 100 light-years from Earth. (NASA's TESS)
  2. K2-104b: A hot Jupiter exoplanet orbiting a star similar to the Sun, about 200 light-years from Earth. (NASA's Kepler Space Telescope)
  3. HD 21749c: A super-Earth exoplanet orbiting a star similar to the Sun, about 100 light-years from Earth. (NASA's TESS)


  1. K2-18b: A super-Earth exoplanet orbiting a small, cool star about 111 light-years from Earth. (NASA's Kepler Space Telescope)
  2. HD 21749b: A hot Jupiter exoplanet orbiting a star similar to the Sun, about 100 light-years from Earth. (NASA's TESS)
  3. LHS 3844b: A super-Earth exoplanet orbiting a small, cool star about 49 light-years from Earth. (NASA's TESS)

These are just a few examples of the many exoplanets discovered in recent years. The search for exoplanets continues to be an active area of research, with new discoveries being made regularly.

Note: The distances listed are approximate and based on the current understanding of the exoplanet's orbit and the star's properties.