New planet name

Let's create a new planet name!

Here are a few options:

  1. Nyxoria: a mystical-sounding name with a hint of darkness and mystery.
  2. Luminaria: a name that evokes light and hope, perfect for a planet with a radiant atmosphere.
  3. Kaelara: a strong and regal-sounding name with a hint of ancient history.
  4. Aethereia: a name that suggests a connection to the ethereal and the unknown.
  5. Vespera: a name that means "evening star" in Latin, perfect for a planet with a beautiful sunset.
  6. Nebulon: a name that suggests a connection to the cosmos and the mysteries of the universe.
  7. Elyria: a name that sounds like a mythical paradise, perfect for a planet with lush landscapes and vibrant life.
  8. Cryson: a name that suggests a connection to ice and snow, perfect for a planet with a frozen landscape.
  9. Auroraea: a name that means "golden dawn" in Latin, perfect for a planet with a breathtaking sunrise.
  10. Xylonia: a name that sounds like a mystical forest, perfect for a planet with dense jungles and ancient secrets.

Which one do you like the most?