New pig uk

You're looking for information about the New Pig Company, a UK-based business that specializes in providing innovative solutions for spill control and containment.

Here are a few key points about the New Pig Company:

  1. Headquarters: The company is headquartered in Leeds, West Yorkshire, UK.
  2. Products: New Pig offers a wide range of products designed to contain and clean up spills, including absorbent pads, booms, and mats. Their products are used in various industries, such as manufacturing, healthcare, and transportation.
  3. Innovative solutions: The company is known for its innovative approach to spill control and containment. They offer customized solutions that cater to specific customer needs and provide effective spill response.
  4. Environmental focus: New Pig is committed to reducing the environmental impact of spills and promoting sustainable practices. Their products are designed to minimize waste and reduce the risk of environmental contamination.
  5. Certifications: The company holds various certifications, including ISO 9001 (quality management) and ISO 14001 (environmental management).

If you're looking for more information about the New Pig Company or their products, I recommend visiting their website or contacting their customer service team directly.