New pictures of prince harry

You're looking for the latest pictures of Prince Harry! As a royal family enthusiast, I'd be happy to help you with that.

Here are some recent pictures of Prince Harry:

  1. Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's son Archie's birthday celebration: In May 2021, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle celebrated their son Archie's second birthday with a private party. The photos showed the happy family enjoying quality time together.
  2. Prince Harry's visit to the Invictus Games: In April 2021, Prince Harry attended the Invictus Games, a Paralympic-style event for wounded veterans. The pictures showcased his support for the athletes and his dedication to the cause.
  3. Prince Harry's visit to the UK for Prince Philip's funeral: In April 2021, Prince Harry returned to the UK for the funeral of his grandfather, Prince Philip. The photos captured his emotional goodbye to his beloved grandfather.
  4. Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's 2021 Christmas card: In December 2021, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex released their annual Christmas card, featuring a heartwarming photo of their family, including Archie and their two dogs.
  5. Prince Harry's visit to the UK for the Queen's Platinum Jubilee: In June 2022, Prince Harry returned to the UK to celebrate the Queen's Platinum Jubilee. The pictures showed him attending various events and ceremonies with his family.

You can find these pictures and more on reputable news sources, such as the BBC, CNN, or Getty Images.