New oyo state logo

I'm happy to help!

As of my knowledge cutoff, the current logo of Oyo State in Nigeria is:

[Image description: A yellow and green logo with a stylized letter "O" made up of leaves and a crown. The leaves are green, and the crown is yellow.]

However, I'm not aware of any recent changes or updates to the logo. If you're looking for a new logo design for Oyo State, I can suggest some possible concepts:

  1. A stylized image of the state's iconic landmarks, such as the Olumirin Waterfalls or the ancient city of Oyo.
  2. A combination of the state's colors (yellow and green) with a modern design element, such as a stylized letter "O" or a geometric shape.
  3. A logo that incorporates the state's motto, "Progress and Unity," in a creative and visually appealing way.
  4. A design that reflects the state's rich cultural heritage, such as a stylized image of a Yoruba mask or a traditional Adire cloth pattern.

Please note that any new logo design should be created in consultation with the relevant authorities and stakeholders to ensure that it accurately represents the state's identity and values.

Would you like me to provide more ideas or suggestions for a new Oyo State logo?