New oxford secondary english course for senior secondary schools 1

The New Oxford Secondary English Course for Senior Secondary Schools is a comprehensive textbook designed for students in senior secondary schools. Here's an overview of the course and its features:

Course Overview

The New Oxford Secondary English Course for Senior Secondary Schools is a four-year course that covers the English language and literature from Grade 11 to Grade 12. The course is designed to help students develop their language skills, critical thinking, and analytical abilities.

Course Structure

The course is divided into four levels:

Key Features

Textbook Components

The textbook is divided into several components, including:

Assessment and Evaluation

The course includes a range of assessments and evaluations to help students track their progress and achieve their goals. These include:


The New Oxford Secondary English Course for Senior Secondary Schools offers several benefits, including:

Overall, the New Oxford Secondary English Course for Senior Secondary Schools is a comprehensive and engaging course that helps students develop their language skills, critical thinking, and analytical abilities.