New owerri city

Owerri is the capital city of Imo State in southeastern Nigeria. Here are some interesting facts and attractions about Owerri city:

History: Owerri was founded in the 16th century by the Owerri people, a subgroup of the Igbo ethnic group. The city was an important center of trade and commerce in the pre-colonial era.


  1. Owerri Museum: This museum showcases the history and culture of the Owerri people, with exhibits on traditional clothing, artifacts, and art.
  2. Douglas House: A historic building that served as the residence of the British colonial administrator, Sir George Douglas.
  3. Owerri Market: A bustling marketplace where you can find a wide range of goods, including traditional crafts, clothing, and food.
  4. Imo State Government House: The official residence of the Governor of Imo State.
  5. Owerri Zoo: A small zoo that is home to a variety of animals, including monkeys, snakes, and birds.

Cultural Significance: Owerri is known for its rich cultural heritage, with many traditional festivals and celebrations throughout the year. The city is also home to many traditional Igbo masquerade groups, which are an important part of Igbo culture.

Economy: Owerri is an important commercial center in southeastern Nigeria, with a thriving market economy. The city is also home to several industries, including textiles, food processing, and manufacturing.

Infrastructure: Owerri has a relatively well-developed infrastructure, with a international airport, a railway station, and a network of roads and highways. The city is also home to several universities and polytechnics.

Challenges: Like many cities in Nigeria, Owerri faces challenges such as poverty, unemployment, and inadequate infrastructure. The city is also prone to flooding during the rainy season.

New Developments: In recent years, Owerri has seen several new developments, including the construction of new roads, bridges, and buildings. The city is also home to several new businesses and industries, including a growing tech sector.

Overall, Owerri is a vibrant and dynamic city with a rich history and culture. While it faces challenges, it is also a city with a lot of potential for growth and development.