New orleans time zone map

New Orleans is located in the Central Time Zone (CT) of the United States. Here is a time zone map that shows the location of New Orleans and its surrounding areas:

Central Time Zone (CT)

Time Zone Boundaries

Time Zone Map

Here is a simple time zone map that shows the location of New Orleans and its surrounding areas:

          |  Eastern Time  |
          |  Zone (ET)     |
|  Central Time  |  Mountain Time  |
|  Zone (CT)     |  Zone (MT)     |
|  Pacific Time  |  Alaska Time  |
|  Zone (PT)     |  Zone (AT)     |

In this map, the Central Time Zone (CT) is shown in the middle, with New Orleans located in the southeastern part of the zone. The Eastern Time Zone (ET) is to the east, and the Mountain Time Zone (MT) is to the west.