New orleans pronunciation

The pronunciation of New Orleans is a topic of much debate and regional pride!

The official pronunciation of New Orleans, as stated by the city's official website, is:

/nuː ˈɔrliənz/ (new OR-lēnz)

However, many locals and long-time residents of the city pronounce it more like:

/nuː ˈɔrlɪnz/ (new OR-lins)

The difference lies in the vowel sound in the second syllable. Some people pronounce it with a long "i" sound (like in "pins"), while others pronounce it with a more relaxed, open "i" sound (like in "rinse").

It's worth noting that both pronunciations are widely accepted and used in the city, and it's not uncommon to hear both variations used by locals and visitors alike.

So, whether you say it with a long "i" or a relaxed "i", the most important thing is to show some love and respect for this vibrant and unique city!