New orleans gangsters

The infamous gangsters of New Orleans! Here are some of the most notorious ones:

  1. Al Capone: Although he's more famously associated with Chicago, Capone had ties to New Orleans and was known to have operated in the city during the Prohibition era.
  2. Carlos Marcello: A powerful crime boss, Marcello was involved in organized crime in New Orleans and was linked to several high-profile murders, including the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.
  3. Carlos "The Fox" Marcello Jr.: Son of Carlos Marcello, he took over his father's crime empire and was involved in various criminal activities, including extortion, gambling, and drug trafficking.
  4. Frank "The Breeze" Abagnale: A notorious con artist and forger, Abagnale was known for his elaborate scams and was involved in various criminal activities in New Orleans during the 1960s and 1970s.
  5. The Moran Gang: A group of Irish-American gangsters, the Moran Gang was involved in organized crime in New Orleans during the early 20th century, with activities including extortion, gambling, and murder.
  6. The New Orleans Mafia: Also known as "The Commission," this group was a powerful organized crime syndicate that operated in New Orleans during the mid-20th century, with ties to other Mafia families across the country.
  7. The Dixie Mafia: A loose network of criminal organizations, the Dixie Mafia was active in the Southern United States, including New Orleans, during the 1960s and 1970s, with activities including extortion, gambling, and drug trafficking.
  8. The New Orleans Police Department's "Blue Gang": A corrupt faction within the NOPD, the "Blue Gang" was involved in various criminal activities, including extortion, bribery, and murder, during the mid-20th century.
  9. The "Tin Roof Gang": A group of bootleggers and gangsters, the Tin Roof Gang was active in New Orleans during the Prohibition era, with activities including rumrunning and illegal gambling.
  10. The "Crescent City Gang": A group of African American gangsters, the Crescent City Gang was active in New Orleans during the early 20th century, with activities including extortion, gambling, and murder.

These are just a few examples of the many gangsters who have operated in New Orleans over the years. The city's rich history and cultural heritage have made it a hub for organized crime, and many of these gangsters have left their mark on the city's criminal underworld.