New orientation logistics

New employee orientation logistics! Here are some tips to help you plan and execute a smooth and effective orientation process:


  1. Create a checklist: Make a list of all the necessary tasks, documents, and information that need to be covered during the orientation process.
  2. Assign a point of contact: Designate a specific person or team to be responsible for coordinating the orientation process.
  3. Schedule the orientation: Choose a date and time that works best for the new employee and the organization.
  4. Prepare necessary materials: Gather all necessary documents, such as employee handbooks, policies, and forms.

Orientation Agenda

  1. Welcome and introduction: Start with a warm welcome and introduction to the organization, including a brief overview of the company culture and values.
  2. Job expectations: Clearly outline the new employee's job responsibilities, expectations, and goals.
  3. Company policies: Cover important company policies, such as attendance, dress code, and communication protocols.
  4. Benefits and compensation: Explain the organization's benefits and compensation packages.
  5. Meet the team: Introduce the new employee to their colleagues and supervisors.
  6. Tour the facility: Provide a tour of the office or facility to help the new employee get familiar with the layout and surroundings.
  7. Q&A session: Allow time for the new employee to ask questions and clarify any doubts.

Logistical Considerations

  1. Seating and amenities: Ensure that the orientation room is comfortable and well-equipped with necessary amenities, such as chairs, tables, and restrooms.
  2. Audio-visual equipment: Make sure that any necessary audio-visual equipment, such as projectors or laptops, is available and functioning properly.
  3. Snacks and refreshments: Consider providing snacks and refreshments to keep the new employee energized and focused throughout the orientation process.
  4. Accessibility: Ensure that the orientation location is accessible and comfortable for all employees, including those with disabilities.


  1. Follow-up: Schedule a follow-up meeting or check-in with the new employee to ensure they are settling in well and address any questions or concerns they may have.
  2. Onboarding process: Develop a comprehensive onboarding process that includes training, mentoring, and feedback to help the new employee transition smoothly into their new role.
  3. Evaluation: Evaluate the effectiveness of the orientation process and gather feedback from new employees to identify areas for improvement.

By following these tips, you can create a well-organized and effective orientation process that sets new employees up for success and helps them feel welcome and valued from the start.