New order church

The New Order Church!

The New Order Church, also known as the New Order of the Ages, was a small, esoteric Christian organization founded in the 1970s by a charismatic leader named Howard Finster. Finster, a self-taught artist and musician, claimed to have received a vision from God to create a new church that would bring about a spiritual awakening and a new era of peace and harmony on earth.

The New Order Church was known for its eclectic blend of Christianity, mysticism, and folk art. Finster believed that he was the reincarnation of the biblical prophet Isaiah and that he had been chosen by God to lead the New Order Church. He claimed that his church was the only true Christian church and that all other Christian denominations were false.

The church's teachings were based on Finster's own interpretations of the Bible and his own mystical experiences. He believed in the power of art and music to bring people closer to God and to heal the world. He also believed in the importance of living in harmony with nature and in the need for people to come together to create a more just and peaceful society.

The New Order Church was headquartered in Summerville, Georgia, and attracted a small but devoted following of people from all over the world. Finster's art and music were an integral part of the church's worship services, which often featured elaborate costumes, chanting, and dancing.

Despite its small size, the New Order Church gained a significant amount of attention and publicity in the 1980s and 1990s, particularly among alternative and countercultural circles. Finster's art and music were featured in several books, films, and exhibitions, and he was interviewed by numerous media outlets.

However, the church's popularity was not without controversy. Some critics accused Finster of being a cult leader and of using his charisma and authority to manipulate his followers. Others questioned the church's teachings and practices, which were seen as unconventional and even bizarre by some.

In the end, the New Order Church was a small but significant part of the American counterculture movement of the 1970s and 1980s. While it may not have achieved widespread recognition or acceptance, it remains an interesting and influential example of the many alternative spiritual movements that emerged during this period.