New odunlade adekola movies

Odunlade Adekola is a popular Nigerian actor, producer, and director who has been active in the Yoruba film industry (Nollywood) for over two decades. Here are some of his recent movies:

  1. Omo Ologo (2022) - a romantic comedy where Odunlade plays a wealthy businessman who falls in love with a poor girl.
  2. Ebi Lomo (2022) - a drama that explores the theme of family values and the consequences of greed.
  3. Ori Olokun (2022) - a fantasy movie that tells the story of a young man who discovers he has supernatural powers.
  4. Omo Iya Kan (2022) - a drama that highlights the importance of family and the consequences of neglecting one's roots.
  5. Ori Olowo (2022) - a comedy that follows the misadventures of a poor man who becomes rich overnight.
  6. Omo Oba (2022) - a drama that explores the theme of royalty and the challenges of being a king.
  7. Ebi Lomo 2 (2022) - a sequel to the popular movie "Ebi Lomo", which continues the story of a family's struggles and triumphs.
  8. Ori Olokun 2 (2022) - a sequel to the fantasy movie "Ori Olokun", which follows the further adventures of the young man with supernatural powers.
  9. Omo Iya Kan 2 (2022) - a sequel to the drama "Omo Iya Kan", which continues the story of a family's struggles and triumphs.
  10. Ori Olowo 2 (2022) - a sequel to the comedy "Ori Olowo", which follows the further misadventures of the poor man who became rich overnight.

Please note that the release dates and availability of these movies may vary depending on your location and the streaming platforms available in your area.