New nigerian police ig

You're referring to the new Inspector-General of Police (IGP) in Nigeria!

As of May 2021, the new Inspector-General of Police (IGP) in Nigeria is Usman Alkali Baba. He took over from Mohammed Adamu, who retired from the force.

IGP Usman Alkali Baba is a seasoned police officer with over 35 years of experience in the Nigeria Police Force. He was born in 1963 in Adamawa State, Nigeria. Before his appointment as IGP, he served as the Deputy Inspector-General of Police (DIG) in charge of the Force Criminal Investigations Department (FCID).

As the new IGP, Baba has promised to focus on improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the police force, as well as addressing the challenges facing the force, including corruption, inadequate funding, and poor infrastructure.

Some of his key priorities include:

  1. Improving police-community relations
  2. Enhancing police professionalism and integrity
  3. Strengthening the force's intelligence gathering capabilities
  4. Enhancing the use of technology in policing
  5. Improving the welfare of police officers

It's worth noting that the IGP is the highest-ranking officer in the Nigeria Police Force and is responsible for overseeing the entire police force. He is also responsible for implementing the policies and strategies of the government in relation to law and order.

I hope this information is helpful!