New nigeria peoples party

You're referring to the New Nigeria Peoples Party (NNPP). Here's some information about the party:

History: The New Nigeria Peoples Party (NNPP) was founded in 1990 by Dr. Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu, a prominent Nigerian politician and military officer. The party was formed as a response to the perceived failures of the existing political parties in Nigeria at the time.

Objectives: The NNPP's objectives include:

  1. To promote national unity and stability in Nigeria
  2. To provide a platform for the expression of the aspirations and interests of the Nigerian people
  3. To promote good governance, transparency, and accountability in government
  4. To promote economic development and social justice in Nigeria

Ideology: The NNPP is a center-left party that draws inspiration from the ideals of socialism, democracy, and federalism. The party advocates for a more equitable distribution of wealth, greater participation of citizens in the political process, and the promotion of Nigerian culture and identity.

Leadership: The current leader of the NNPP is Senator Rabiu Musa Kwankwaso, a former Governor of Kano State and a prominent figure in Nigerian politics.

Performance: The NNPP has participated in several elections in Nigeria, including the 1993 presidential election, the 1999 general elections, and the 2015 general elections. While the party has not won any major elections, it has maintained a significant presence in some parts of the country, particularly in the north.

Challenges: The NNPP faces several challenges, including:

  1. Limited resources and funding
  2. Competition from more established parties
  3. Perception of the party as a regional or ethnic party
  4. Difficulty in building a strong national presence

Current Status: The NNPP is currently one of the smaller parties in Nigeria, but it remains a significant player in the country's political landscape. The party continues to advocate for its policies and ideals, and it has been involved in various political alliances and negotiations in recent years.